Collection Description: Physical Activity Review : International Scientific Journal

Number of publications in collection: 143
Frequently viewed
Static balance and its association with pain and disability in females with low back pain – a pilot cross-sectional study
Efficacy of dynamic Swiss ball training in improving the core stability of collegiate athletes
Visual constraints and swing timing in softball batting: pitcher vs. pitching machine
The Practicality and Effectiveness of Soccer Scoring Techniques Revealed by Top Elite Soccer Scorers
Autistic features in relation to motor function and quality of life in children with autism spectrum disorder
Assessment of motor skills in 5-6 year old Italian children using the MABC-2: a preliminary study
Physiological response and biomarkers in kickboxing - systematic review
Expertise development of elite Taekwondo coaches
Acute effects of weighted plyometric exercise on sprint, agility and jump performance in university football players
Assessment of physical activity, exercise capacity and fitness level of the Polish esports players
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