Collection Description: Studia Neofilologiczne

Number of publications in collection: 348
Frequently viewed
Analysis of Henrik Gottlieb’s translation strategies adopted by the internet group Hatak in the translation of the first episode of “House of Cards”
Translation studies and the polysystem theory
Quantitative Evaluation of Emotional Intelligence of Secondary School English Teacher
Selected medical translation problems
Synthetic diminutives in English nursery rhymes: formations with the suffix "-ie"
Kapłan »rasy panów« – rzecz o Alfredzie Rosenbergu
Language and Corporate Management: A Comparison of Mission Statements of Polish and US Universities
Kontrastive Analyse des phraseologischen Vokabulars zur Emotion ANGST im Deutschen und Polnischen
Europejski System Opisu Kształcenia Językowego (ESOKJ) w kształceniu filologicznym – diagnoza i perspektywy
Von Wortschatz und Grammatik zu lexiko-grammatischen Struktureinheiten – der integrative Ansatz im Fremdsprachenunterricht
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