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Frequently read publications : Philosophical Discourses
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- Ramowanie a metafora w ujęciu kognitywistycznym – czy mają ze sobą coś wspólnego? [277]
- Zmysły jako rama. Węch i wprowadzenie do post-wzroczności [272]
- Memory in the Views of the Greek Pre-Philosophical Tradition and Philosophers of Antiquity (Plato, Aristotle) [178]
- The Senses Aesthetics, in other Words Body as a Storage Medium [171]
- Memory of Matter. Henri Bergson and Material Bases of Remembrance [168]
- Memory and (No)Memory of the Eastern Borderlands in the PRL. The example of Lviv [164]
- Relation Memory – Oblivion in Human Existential Experience [155]
- Philosophical Discourses, T. 1, Pamięć - zapomnienie - niepamięć. Konteksty filozoficzne - Aneks [154]
- Recalling of Recalling. Platonic Doctrine of Anamnesis [148]
- Memory, Imagination and Autobiography. Jean-Paula Sartre’s Perspective [147]
- Why Is the Culture of Our Times Reminiscent of Lot’s Wife? Causes of the Late-Modern Turn to the Past [143]
- The Philosophy of Myth as the Interaction of Anticipation and Memory [131]
- The Theoretical and the Practical Memory Problem in the Context of the Personal Identity of a Patient Suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease – David DeGrazia’s Bioethical Standpoint [129]
- Two Strategies of Rationality and Memory. Retrospection and Prospection. Exclusion and Inclusion [123]
- Forgotten Spheres of Subjectivity: Intentionality, Sensitivity and Memory. A Small Prolegomena to Future Epistemology [118]
- Historical Politics and the Obligation of Memory in a Philosophical Perspective [115]
- An Attempt to exhaust Memory. The Function of the List in the Works of Georges Perec [112]
- Philosophy as Collecting Reminders [106]
- Italian philosophy of dialogue. Overview [104]
- Memory and forgiveness. Soteriological discourse and literature [102]
- The Memory of the Past Builds the Human Future. National Faults of Poles in Teaching the Primate of the Millenium [101]
- Topos of the Origins in Local Epigraphic Commemorations – a Historian’s Reflections [96]
- Forgetfulness and Oblivation. Examples of Oblivion on the Legal Plane [95]
- The Master’s Albert Miracle: Notes about the Medieval Culture of Memory [95]
- Pojęcie ramy w ujęciu filozoficznym – rola czasu i pamięci w ludzkiej egzystencji [88]