@misc{Jaczynowski_Lech_Supposed_2017, author={Jaczynowski, Lech}, abstract={Introduction. Władysław III Jagiellon – who after the 1444 battle of Varna was called Władysław III of Varna, is the subject of many legends coming from the fact that his body and his royal armour have never been found after the battle he is supposed to die in. Doubts have also arisen as to whether the head which was impaled on a spear by Turks was his, since it had fair hair and the king was a brunet. The aim of the paper is to juxtapose main versions concerning supposed gravesites of Władysław III of Varna in order to make it possible for travel agencies, their representatives and guides showing tourists around those places to give logical answers to questions asked by visitors who earlier, in another part of Europe, got to know quite a different version of the story. Material and methods. The present study is aimed at presentation and description of the king’s supposed and symbolic gravesites – and at creation of a coherent marketing product for the needs of cultural tourism. To achieve that aim there have been used scientific, popular science and journalistic works devoted to that issue. The places pointed out in those works have been visited and there have been created their photographic documentation. Results. The four basic versions popularized in Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland and Portugal have been subject to a comparative analysis. Places such as Bursa, Varna, Obročište, Cracow, Madalena da Mar have been pointed out or photographically documented. Conclusions. At this stage it is impossible to settle where Władysław III of Varna was buried – it is, anyway, historians’ task, whereas Polish guides should know all four versions in order not to cause discomfort for more inquisitive tourists.}, type={rozdział}, publisher={Wydawnictwo im. Stanisława Podobińskiego Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie}, title={Supposed Gravesites of Władysław III of Varna}, address={Częstochowa}, year={2017}, language={eng}, keywords={tourism, marketing, Władysław III of Varna, supposed gravesites, Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal}, }