@misc{Kraś_Jacek_Complaint_2017, author={Kraś, Jacek}, abstract={A complaint concerning tourism services is one of the methods of claiming compensation with reference to a failure to perform or an inadequate performance of the tourist event contract. Not always, however, do the clients have appropriate knowledge and abilities to file such a complaint effectively. They also lack awareness of the fact that there are institutions providing the client with help and exacting the obligations of the travel agency, functioning as a tourism organiser. The aim of this article is to present the complaint as one of the tools whose aim is to protect the rights of the clients. The publication makes use of the topic literature, including most of all M. Nesterowicz’s "Prawo turystyczne" [Tourism Law] or J. Gospodarek’s "Prawo w turystyce i rekreacji" [Law In Tourism and Recreation] as well as the legal acts in force from the thematic scope presented in this work; among them, first of all, the law on tourism services. The analysis of the aforementioned legal acts, literature and other information contributed to the creation of this article. The paper consists of two parts, preceded by an introduction which presents the aim and the topic of the article. The first part provides an insight into the form of entering a tourist event contract, its content and essence. It also presents examples of abusive clauses appearing in such contracts. The second part comprises the issues related to the purpose and essence of complaint, the ways of filing it and its effectiveness in claiming damages under the civil law. It emphasises the fact that it is one of the ways of assessing the quality of a tourism product. It also contains information concerning the, so called, Frankfurt Table. The article ends with a summary, presenting the conclusions drawn during the discussion of the topic.}, type={rozdział}, publisher={Wydawnictwo im. Stanisława Podobińskiego Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie}, title={Complaint on the Package Travel as the Expression of the Consumer Rights Protection}, address={Częstochowa}, year={2017}, language={eng}, keywords={complaint, tourist’s claims, client’s rights}, }