@misc{Rutkowska_Anna_The_2022, author={Rutkowska, Anna}, abstract={The Polish Radio’s long-lasting broadcasting monopoly brought about the technological and later historical as well as political relegation of the guitar, in particular classical guitar, to a musical niche. The aim of the present study of a collection of recordings and programming documents stored at the Polish Radio Archive was to reveal the non-linear nature of the history of the popularisation of guitar music in Poland.}, type={artykuł}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczego im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie}, title={The faces of the guitar in Poland up to 1981 in the context of the Polish Radio Archive records}, address={Częstochowa}, year={2022}, language={eng}, keywords={radio, Ławrusiewicz, Kliszewski, Chybiński, Tansman, Powroźniak, muzyka gitarowa w Polsce}, }