@misc{Słoniewski_Michał_The_2017, author={Słoniewski, Michał}, abstract={In the history of the international Olympic movement the Olympic Games were organised in the USSR/Russian Federation twice – in Moscow and in Sochi. The IOC entrusted these cities with the organisation of the sports event in the atmosphere of international détente. For the political elites of the USSR and Russian Federation this fact always had a special meaning, enhancing the country’s prestige. The fact is that it was not the local, but the national authorities that organised the Olympics. The Olympic Games of 1980 and 2014 happened in a completely different, tense international situation. It is commonly known what happened to USSR after the Olympic Games in Moscow; however, it remains to be seen what will happen with the Russian Federation after the Olympics in Sochi.}, type={rozdział}, publisher={Wydawnictwo im. Stanisława Podobińskiego Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie}, title={The Role of the Olympic Games in Moscow and Sochi in the Context of International Relations}, address={Częstochowa}, year={2017}, language={eng}, keywords={Moscow, Sochi, Olympic Games, boycott, international relations}, }