@misc{Pawlak_Zbigniew_Legal_2017, author={Pawlak, Zbigniew and Smoleń, Andrzej}, abstract={The aim of the presented work is identification of basic legal regulations concerning activity of professional sports clubs in Poland. Taking into account changes in the national law there have been distinguished four characteristic periods in professional clubs’ activity: period I (1989–1995), when the abovementioned subjects conducted activity on the basis of the 1934 Commercial Code; period II (02.1996–08.2005), when the special legal form of sports joint-stock companies was regulated by the Bill on physical culture from 18.01.2005; period III (09.2005–10.2010), when special legal regulations concerning sports jointstock companies were repealed; period IV (from 10.2010), when – after the Bill on sport had entered into force – a clear division into competitive and non-competitive sport was given up. Moreover, it was proved that the strongest and direct influence on activity of professional sports clubs in Poland is exerted by norms of Polish sports law, which are created on the basis of international sports law.}, type={rozdział}, publisher={Wydawnictwo im. Stanisława Podobińskiego Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie}, title={Legal Determinants of Activity of Professional Sports Clubs in Poland}, address={Częstochowa}, year={2017}, language={eng}, keywords={sport, legal regulations, professional}, }