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Calculation of Functionals Based on Large Dimension Matrixes in Maximal Likelihood ProblemsCalculation of Functionals Based on Large Dimension Matrixes in Maximal Likelihood Problems
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Calculations of reactivity of isomeric 1,5-, 1,6- and 4,6-diazaphenanthrenesCalculations of reactivity of isomeric 1,5-, 1,6- and 4,6-diazaphenanthrenes
Calculations of second-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities in glassesCalculations of second-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities in glasses
Calculus infinitesimalisCalculus infinitesimalis
Calisthenics – from Prisons to StadiumsCalisthenics – from Prisons to Stadiums
Calixarenes with appended heterocyclic moietiesCalixarenes with appended heterocyclic moieties
Can Information Technology Change Attitude of the Student in the Teaching of Mathematics?Can Information Technology Change Attitude of the Student in the Teaching of Mathematics?
Can integrative physical education improve physical development of schoolchildren ? With a kind of emptiness ?Can integrative physical education improve physical development of schoolchildren ? With a kind of emptiness ?
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Career management and its possible process in the companyCareer management and its possible process in the company
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Sport and Tourism. Central European Journal, Vol. 6, Nr 4 - Gołąbek, Remigiusz; Małolepszy, Eligiusz. Ed.; Majcher, PiotrCarpal Tunnel Syndrome; Sport and Tourism. Central European Journal, Vol. 6, Nr 4 - Gołąbek, Remigiusz; Małolepszy, Eligiusz. Ed.; Majcher, Piotr
Case management technology: the best practicesCase management technology: the best practices
Case Study of Influence of Special Strength and Cardio Training on Local Reduction of Subcutaneous Fatty Tissue in the Abdomen AreaCase Study of Influence of Special Strength and Cardio Training on Local Reduction of Subcutaneous Fatty Tissue in the Abdomen Area
Category approach to RL4-setsCategory approach to RL4-sets
Cathartic dimension of fantasy in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and Ursula Le GuinCathartic dimension of fantasy in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and Ursula Le Guin
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Cele i zadania gimnazjów, a stopień przygotowania nauczycieli do kooperacji z europejskimi instytucjami edukacyjnymi (w trzy lata po rozpoczęciu wdrażania reformy edukacji)Cele i zadania gimnazjów, a stopień przygotowania nauczycieli do kooperacji z europejskimi instytucjami edukacyjnymi (w trzy lata po rozpoczęciu wdrażania reformy edukacji)
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