Health status differences in subjective well-being of male and female high school students preferring sedentary leisure activities
Differences of physiological characteristics of taekwondo junior players vs pencak silat junior players
Biomechanical analysis of Yang’s spear turning-stab technique in Chinese martial arts
Cognitive functions of female open skill sport athletes, closed skill sport athletes and nonathletes
Level of physical activity during school recess within aspect of available dedicated playing space
Increasing the level of cardiorespiratory and strength endurance of female students by means of mixed training (Kangoo–jumps fitness and resistance training)
Health behaviors as determinants of the quality of life of the elderly
The Assessment of Movement Competence in Czech School Age Children Using BOT-2 Test
From Individual Heroes to National Performers: The Shift in Taekwondo’s Peace Promotion Activities
Assessment of disease-related knowledge among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a cross-sectional study
Kinematic analysis of the kick start from OSB12
Types of convictions concerning coping with pain of the participants of territory defence activities