The Impact of Embrace Therapy® in the Light of Transactional Analysis on the Closure of Needs ("Strokes") of the Inner Child, Changing the Perspective of Assessing the Situation and Releasing Difficult Emotions
Personality disorders and the ego states – the mediating role of the ability to mentalize
Student Personality Adaptations, part I
Sexual awareness and time structuring in the light of transactional analysis. Research report
Human-Computer Interaction in the Era of Advanced Artificial Intelligence Language Models
Estimating Ego States: The Machine Learning Perspective
The Impact of Embrace Therapy® in the Light of Transactional Analysis on the Closure of Needs ("Strokes") of the Inner Child, Changing the Perspective of Assessing the Situation and Releasing Difficult Emotions
Existential attitudes of academic youth in a post-pandemic digital society
Impact of ICT– chaos and information “confusion” in the view of students and teachers
The experience of online grooming in the perspective of “digital natives”
Multicultural school. Students’ identity and value system
(Non) aggressive, (non) violent computer games – definitional challenges
Tutoring: meanings attributed to the term by tutors. An analysis of the semantic field
Bunker/shelter as a Situated Learning Space: An Example of a Life Protection Experiment in Threatening
Adjusting the conditions and the form of the eighth-grader Polish language exam to students with the spectrum of autism
The idea of universal design in the educational process at University. “Universal design as a space of equal opportunities and accessibility for people with disabilities”
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