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[Abstract = %22The objective of the article is to recall the European philosophical basis of the philosophical culture%2C inextricably connected with ancient Greece and its language. Plato%E2%80%99s philosophy is in the very core of the culture and its salient component is the doctrine of anamnesis. The elements of the doctrine are dispersed in numerous dialogues%2C particularly in Meno%2C Phaedo%2C Phaedrus%2C therefore they are given more attention. Platonic reflection on anamnesis is related to his view on the soul whose development is associated with the process of cognizing%2C being essentially tantamount to recalling of what the soul saw before its imprisonment in the body. The role of myth in Plato%E2%80%99s philosophy%2C as well as in European culture as a whole%2C has been discussed%2C along with the main subject. On the background of the Platonic thought%2C examples of its reception in Polish Renaissance philosophy and in the poetry of the Romantic period has been presented.%22]