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[Abstract = %22The tradition of school sports facilities has its roots in ancient civilizations%2C primarily in ancient Greece. The preserved ruins of gymnasiums at Delphi%2C Olympia%2C Millet%2C Priene%2C Dedina%2C Pergamon%2C Ephesus or Thermessos%2C document well that sports facilities were a major part of the education system. They served not only for students and sports training but were opened to the public%2C used for social gatherings%2C political meetings and disputes. Contemporary school sports facilities derived from the 19th-century concept of the school%E2%80%99s educational program. It also included the indoor and outdoor physical education classes and facilities used for %E2%80%98body-building exercises%E2%80%99 -as it was named. In Poland%2C according to the current basic curriculum of the Ministry of National Education%2C the goal of physical education is to shape the long life habit of physical activity. The school activities should develop the appropriate interests and attitudes of students. Therefore%2C school activities should meet the needs%2C interests and abilities of the individual student as fully as possible. The present regulations of the Ministry of Education demand%2C that such classes should take place in a well-equipped sports hall or on a school playground.%22]