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[Abstract = "Active contact with nature is conducive to multilateral development of child’s personality.Learning nature by younger children can be achieved using two methods: directly, through contact with different objects in natural environment or directly, during description of the elements of nature, when teachers use didactic means adjusted to the needs of the recipients. Teachers play significant role in the process of formation of cognitive activity in children as they stimulate their activeness, teach how to observe natural objects and phenomena and organize didactic situations to motivate to think and to be active. Walks and trips near the place they live allow for development of interests in nature, geography, history and regional culture. Natural and historical objects visited during classes learnt in local environs allow for acquisition of information and stimulation of the expected attitudes in didactic and educational process in nursery and primary schools. These activities can be integrated with learning about health, Poland, mathematics, arts or recreation. Teachers can use trips to wildlife reserves, fortified castles, manors or palaces to extend students’ knowledge of regional history as well as natural and cultural values of the region."]