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[Abstract = "1935–1939 Is flying it is a period of functioning of the two Sejms. In 1935 in the outcome of the election the IV Sejm of the term of office. Whereas last V Sejm of the II Republic of Poland of the term of office chosen in 1938 wound up in 1939 as a result of the Germany’s invasion of Poland. Functioning based on the adopted April Constitution was a characteristic of activities of the IV Sejm as well as the V term of office from 1935 which implemented political substantial changes. Moreover as a result of elections boycotted by the opposition into the Sejm in this period he was dominated by the ruling camp, and towards his Sejm became an arena of gameses among factions. Next due to reducing the role of the Sejm for the president the debate of the Sejm aroused the more and more weak public interest. From here in 1935–1939 years legislative activity of parliamentary customs at changed political and organizational conditioning, but the continuation educated previously was characteristic of activity of the Sejm. The work is devoted to political and practical aspects activities of the Sejm."]