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[Abstract = "The aim of the study was to recognise expectations of students and future teachers regarding mutual verbal communication during physical education (PE) lessons as well as students’ participation in making decisions about forms of the classes. The study included 490 lower-secondary school students, 482 upper-secondary school students and 300 university students of physical education. To collect data, a questionnaire was used. Responses concerning the most important aspects of communication as well as the extent to which students would like to influence forms of the classes were analysed statistically. Therefore, the chi-square test was used. An ability to explain was most commonly selected as the most important element of verbal communication between a teacher and students. Future teachers claimed that comprehensible commands were the most significant. The largest group of lower-secondary school students believed that they should sometimes be consulted about what PE lessons should look like. In turn, upper-secondary school and university students were convinced that their suggestions ought to be taken into account every now and then. Sex and level of education proved to be variables which differentiated the subjects’ expectations regarding elements of communication and participation in the process of making decisions on the form of classes. The expectations of school and university students make it possible to optimise preparations in terms of communication of future teachers at particular levels of education and to have a more conscious approach to developing mutual positive relations. They also facilitate improving class effectiveness and enhancing students’ satisfaction with participating in PE lessons."]