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[Abstract = "The aim of the study was to assess the high school physical education teachers in terms of competence, attitude towards their students and educational effects, and to verify the hypothesis that the assessment of a teacher is influenced by the gender, interests and physical fitness of his or her students. The research was carried out in 2017 among students of two Silesian universities. The study group included 739 respondents (402 female and 337 male students) who evaluated their high school physical education teachers. The method of a diagnostic survey was used with methodologically verified questionnaire as a tool. The grades were granted according to the Likert Scale and compared in gender and field of study groups as well as in regard of the self-assessment of the physical fitness of the respondents. The statistical inference and descriptive methods were used for data analysis. Research has shown that students of physical education and sports rated their teachers higher than students of other fields of study in all studied aspects, regardless of their gender. There is a connection between physical fitness and competence assessment of a teacher and his or her attitude towards pupils among the male students, but there is no such connection among the female students."]