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[Abstract = %22The aim of the article is to depict the participation of athletes%2C originated from the Union of Gymnastic Societies %E2%80%98Sok%C3%B3%C5%82%E2%80%99 %28Falcon%29 in Poland%2C in the summer and winter Olympic Games in the interwar period. The Olympians represented gymnastics%2C athletics%2C boxing%2C wrestling and cross-country skiing %E2%80%93 sports that were initiated on Polish soil yet during the partitions and were widely exercised in %E2%80%98Sok%C3%B3%C5%82%E2%80%99s%E2%80%99 societies in the interwar period. In this article%2C the political and social context accompanying the development of professional sport in %E2%80%9CSok%C3%B3%C5%82%E2%80%9D can be found. Moreover%2C included biograms of the Olympians mention%2C in addition to sports successes%2C their membership in%E2%80%98 Sok%C3%B3%C5%82%E2%80%99%2C and their social and professional activities after the end of a sports career. The aim of the article is to depict the participation of athletes%2C originated from the Union of Gymnastic Societies %E2%80%98Sok%C3%B3%C5%82%E2%80%99 %28Falcon%29 in Poland%2C in the summer and winter Olympic Games in the interwar period. The Olympians represented gymnastics%2C athletics%2C boxing%2C wrestling and cross-country skiing %E2%80%93 sports that were initiated on Polish soil yet during the partitions and were widely exercised in %E2%80%98Sok%C3%B3%C5%82%E2%80%99s%E2%80%99 societies in the interwar period. In this article%2C the political and social context accompanying the development of professional sport in %E2%80%9CSok%C3%B3%C5%82%E2%80%9D can be found. Moreover%2C included biograms of the Olympians mention%2C in addition to sports successes%2C their membership in %E2%80%98Sok%C3%B3%C5%82%E2%80%99%2C and their social and professional activities after the end of a sports career. Futhermore%2C this study presents athletes whose biographies were contained in the published biographies and memoirs. This sources unambiguously confirm that their membership in the %E2%80%9CSok%C3%B3%C5%82%E2%80%9D was not incidental%2C and their social identity was shaped in the process of education of the Society. This research area has begun to interest sport historians for some time%2C but publications are still incidental and rather focused on the achievements of the %27Sok%C3%B3%C5%82%27 in the dissemination of sport in selected regions of the country rather than the performance in competitive sport. The research methodology is based on the analysis of historical sources%2C such as sports press%2C diaries%2C and in-depth biographical studies.%22]