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[Abstract = %22The aim of the article is to reveal the essence of tourism as means of outlook formation of a person. The following research methods were used in the paper%3A desk research analysis of the literature on the subject%2C Internet sources. Analysis of the collected material allowed the following conclusions%3A one of the factors influencing tourism development is the need to verify traditional understanding of tourism. According to the authors%2C ideological%2C cultural%2C humanistic%2C ethical%2C cognitive%2C ets. aspects of tourism should be emphasized. Taking this into account%2C we consider tourism as a factor influencing general worldview of man. In this regard%2C tourism gives reasons to perceive it from a philosophical perspective%2C including epistemological%2C social%2C axiological%2C spiritual and other aspects. When considering the phenomenon of tourism from a philosophical point of view%2C it should be emphasized that tourism promotes unification%2C communication and socialization as well as the spread of ethical values in a spirit of mutual understanding and respect.%22]