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[Abstract = %22The aim of this article is to assess the maturity level of girls in the Lubusz Voivodeship depending on the living environment%2C parents%E2%80%99 education%2C the number of children in the family and the standard of living. The material consists of the results of research conducted among 10%E2%80%9318 year-old girls %28after menarcheal age%29 in 2015%E2%80%932017 in selected primary%2C middle and upper secondary schools. A total of 3%2C525 girls were examined. The data were collected by means of a diagnostic survey%2C using the retrospective method%2C the research technique was a questionnaire%2C and the research tool was a questionnaire. Basic statistical characteristics for each variable%2C one-way analysis of variance%2C significance level of differences and a test of independence were calculated. The questionnaire was also validated with the reliability coefficient of 0.68%2C which qualifies it for use in cross-sectional studies. As a result of the analysis of the material%2C it was found that the following girls matured the earliest those from medium-size and small towns%2C daughters of fathers with higher or vocational education%2C daughters of mothers with higher education%2C girls growing up in families with one child%2C girls from the richest families.%22]