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[Abstract = %22The article attempts to show that the Italian philosophy of %E2%80%9Cdialogue%E2%80%9D %28Guido Calogero%2C Aldo Testa%29 from the 1950s and the 1960s is not a %E2%80%9Cphilosophy of dialogue%E2%80%9D%2C understood as %E2%80%9CNew Thinking%E2%80%9D%2C as a radical abandonment of the Cartesian egological perspective. The reception of that %E2%80%9CNew Thinking%E2%80%9D of the 1920s %28mainly%3A Martin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig%29 in Italy is significantly belated and essentially consists of simplifications and overlooks that we are dealing with a radically new thinking paradigm. Italian philosophers%2C as they themselves define it%2C went %E2%80%9Ctheir own way%E2%80%9D. It means%2C however%2C that they have not at all opened themselves to the authentic philosophy of dialogue.%22]