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[Abstract = %22The article is about the memory of the Kresy Wschodnie %28Eastern Borderlands%29 in post-war Poland. As a result of the settlements of the peace conference in Yalta%2C Poland lost half its territory in the east. Censorship in PRL prohibited the talk about the history of eastern Polish provinces. Kresowianie couldn%E2%80%99t speak loudly where they came from%2C in the place of birth%2C communist wrote them to the USSR. Kresy Wschodnie were considered the cradle of patriotism and traditional values %E2%80%93 traits associated with resistance to communist rule. Kresowianie banished from the land inhabited for hundreds of years%2C they had to find a new reality. The article presents the issue of the memory of the Kresy through the prism of Lviv. Lviv was a particularly important town in the Eastern Borderlands. The city was a very important scientific%2C cultural and economic center. The city has evolved a unique atmosphere and a specific urban culture. The memory of Lviv in the PRL%2C was carried by his former inhabitants.%22]