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[Abstract = %22Philosophy educationalists more and more often reflect on the problem of possible introduction of common philosophical education. So far%2C they have considered the basic difficulties to be related to content. After a highly unfavorable period in history %28of the Second World War and ideological constraints of 1945%E2%80%931989%2C which adds up to exactly half of a century%3A 1939%E2%80%931989%29%2C it seemed that the fundamental task was to reconstruct theoretical foundations and create conventions for common philosophical education. A half-century break in the teaching of a subject is long enough to assume that basically everything has changed in this area %28social reception of philosophy as a teaching subject%2C the concept of philosophical education and its content%2C basic methodology of teaching this subject in schools%29. That is why many attempts have been made to regenerate and adapt philosophical education in Polish schools to contemporary cultural and educational conditions. However%2C it appears that the basic difficulties are not the content-related ones. Apart from content-related factors%2C also social%2C cultural %28worldview-related%29 and political ones are crucial. The question is whether philosophy educationalists%2C while trying to introduce the program of %E2%80%9Cphilosophication%E2%80%9D of the Polish education system%2C have to confront its political conditioning. Is philosophy %28as it was in the inglorious Marxism%29 still a tool of ideological authorities%3F Why is it excluded from the education system%3F What is the role of belief in certain conspiracy theories %28that philosophy teaches us to think and no authority needs a thinking society%29 in creating the image of philosophy in education%3F To what extent contemporary philosophy education is political%3F%22]