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[Abstract = %22Problem. A monographic study has been undertaken to highlight the specificity of one martial arts school and martial arts research centres. That is%2C the author tries to determine how this researched centre %2F school performs its function in the perspective of 30 years of activity. Method %E2%80%93 monographic%2C which has reached into several categories of sources and studies. The method is the case study alone%2C both descriptive and evaluative%2C with participant observation and photographic documentation. Results. The Rzeszow Centre %E2%80%9CDojo Budokan%E2%80%9D %28RCDB%29 was originally a major club or group of sections%2C then the main centre of one of associations%2C and was active in sports structures. Then%2C since 2000%2C it also participates in scientific and publishing activities. Conclusions. The RCDB works similarly to other martial arts schools%2C but is not limited to self defence%2C sports training or recreational services. The leader gives a tone for the activity. A broad educational program is underway.%22]