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[Abstract = %22Purpose%3A This paper presents the results of a comparative and dependency analysis between physical activity%2C joy of physical activity and quality of life in female high school students with different levels of sport performance. Methods%3A The survey was attended by %28n %3D 560%29 16%E2%80%9319 years old high-school students. The quality of life was monitored using the modified SQUALA questionnaire%2C the joy of physical activity using the PACES questionnaire and the level of physical activity during the week in hours %28PA%29. The data are presented by means of descriptive characteristics %28n%2C M%2C SD%29 and statistical significance and dependencies respectively are assessed using nonparametric methods %28W%2C U%2C rs%29 on significance levels %28p %3C %2C10%3B p %3C %2C05 and p %3C %2C01%29. Results%3A The results of the dependency analysis did not show a large number of interactions between the PA%2C PACES and SQUALA among high-school female students. We found the interactions between the PA and PACES or SQUALA sporadically in groups of girls with the different levels of sports%2C where positive interactions predominated. PA in the week is positively correlated with PACES %28rs %3D %2C218%2C p %3C %2C10%29 only in registered female athletes. Positive interactions between PACES and SQUALA can be found in top female athletes %28material well-being p %3C %2C10%3B education p %3C %2C05%3B free time p %3C %2C01%29 and in occasional female athletes %28physical well-being p %3C %2C20%3B psychosocial well-being p %3C %2C20%3B appearance and ownership of things p %3C %2C20%29. Conclusions%3A The results confirm the importance of voluntary and organized physical activity in the life of high-school students%2C who have the potential to increase the level of satisfaction with activity. The paper was published from the grant of the Ministry of Education KEGA 003 UKF-4%2F2016.%22]