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[Abstract = "For centuries societies all over the world have been searching for the ideal of a teacher. As a result of this search, expectations of the profession have changed. In the 19th century people were looking for ways to improve health and living conditions. At that time a movement of hygienists arose, which saw an opportunity to improve the situation in education and school hygiene, and a new teaching speciality was created, i.e. the physical activity teacher. Meanwhile, there was an intense development of sports, among other things, due to the organization of the modern Olympic Games. The above factors contributed to the emergence of a new specialisation in teaching physical education. In the second half of the 20th century, due to more focus on the role of physical education teachers, and above all, as a result of the development of sport, the profession of sports coach emerged. Opinions on the role of physical education teachers and sports coaches have been changing over the years. Not only are the knowledge and skills of the coach important, but also who they are as a specialist, as an educator and as a person. According to the author, the coach should have the player’s best interests at heart in every situation. In addition, it was pointed out that amateur and professional sport are inextricably linked."]