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[Abstract = %22The 21st century is the epoch of taking care of one%E2%80%99s appearance%2C healthy lifestyle and improving the quality of life. %E2%80%9CBody cult%E2%80%9D has become a global trend%2C and pro-health behaviors have come to be treated as a new lifestyle%2C which consists in resignation of traditional forms of spending free time with friends%2C in favour of isolated and individualised time management outside work. The modern pro-health lifestyle subsequently results in development of the market associated with the sports and recreational industry%2C including fitness clubs and gyms. The objective of the article is an assessment of fitness clubs and gyms in the city of Krakow. The first part describes the %E2%80%9Chealth industry%E2%80%9D. The lifestyle is characterized in the second one. The third one presents Krakow as a city that is constantly developing%2C and the fourth part lists the offer of services available to residents of Krakow in selected fitness clubs and gyms.%22]