Publication description
Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna, Nr 9
- Publication structure:
Czasopisma Naukowe
Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna
Nr 9
Prophylaxis of suicidal behavior in conditions of penitentiary isolation from the perspective of Transactional Analysis
Building relationships at school by responding to the individual needs of students and teachers using the Process Communication Model®
Application of assumptions of educational transactional analysis in the constructivist learning theory
“Once upon a time, in a supervisor’s office” – phenomena occurring in TA supervision at early stages of psychotherapist’s development
Psychopedagogy of integration and authenticity: on the relationship between Gestalt therapy and Gestalt pedagogy and educational transactional analysis (part 5)
Communicators in e-learning – recommendations for teaching practice at the times of coronavirus COVID-19 – report from pilot research
Students of pedagogy on social relations at the beginning of the pandemic – in the light of a qualitative analysis of their personal and social reflectiveness
Education as the Space where Identity Processes Come to Play – Based on Educational Narratives of Women
Personal and social dimensions of the theatrical activity of people with autism spectrum disorder – the case study of the ‘Authentic Artists’ theatre group