Publication description
Podstawy Edukacji, T. 16, Equal opportunities for all or fair chances to all in education
- Publication structure:
Czasopisma Naukowe
Podstawy Edukacji
T. 16
- Foreword of the Editor: Fundamentals of Education. Equal opportunities for all or fair chances to all in education
- Equal opportunities in shaping pupils’ identity in a multicultural school environment. A pilotage concept of work for transcultural education in grades I–III
- The Role of a Sensory Diet in Improving the Quality of Psychosocial Functioning of Students in Inclusive Education
- Parental Influence Modelling the Formation of Adolescents’ Coping Strategies in Situations of Social Conflict
- The professionalisation of teachers’ professional activities towards equalising educational opportunities for students
- Undergraduate preparation of future teachers in the context of reading literacy in the Czech Republic
- Possible ways of translanguaging at the school’s micro-level. The aftermath of a translanguaging project of introducing non-standardised ways of speaking to school for Roma bilingual children
T. 16
Podstawy Edukacji
Czasopisma Naukowe